When was the last time you flew a kite? For me, it was long before I had the opportunity to go to the Washington State International Kite Festival in Long Beach, USA in 2018. It never occurred to me that I would ever attend a kite festival, in fact, I had no idea that was a thing.

It’s hypnotizing to watch professional kites flying. The week-long Washington State International Kite Festival, which is held annually in the third full week of August from Monday to Sunday, turned out to be a pretty phenomenal and colorful event. The main competitions with the most phenomenal kites take place on Friday and Saturday, but on any day it’s a pure delight to watch all the kites full of fantasy and extravaganza dance in the sky (watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/2n5ULWsobso).
Kite festivals are held all around the world (South Korea, Japan, and Indonesia among others), so if you happen to be in the right place at the right time, make sure to include it in your itinerary. I’d not travel to a place just for the sake of a kite festival, but it’s absolutely worth seeing if you can fit one into your plans.
Not convinced yet? Check out the fancy kites that boost the sky with color and action over the course of a week.
Washington State International Kite Festival in Pictures

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